Wildstar 2 vr
Wildstar 2 vr

We foreshadow this moment with a celebration walk over a bridge past a multitude of Dominion crewmembers of all races. A prime example of this is the staging I implemented for the Arkship finale. When players complete their Arkship trials, their triumph is rewarded with a visit to the Emperor Myrcalus.

wildstar 2 vr

While working on WildStar, I always strived to inject more environmental reaction for players than some of the more static environments of many MMO's I had played. Working on WildStar was really fun for me because its theme provided me with the freedom to leverage humor as a tool for fun which sometimes helped compensate for a compromise we had to make on a mechanic due to restraints and limitations. I was able to leverage WildStar's quirky narrative and vibrant universe to create some interesting performance beats and apply a fresh paint of coat to established tried and true quest mechanics. My challenge was to design repeatable content for level-cap players that was compelling, interesting, and fun, in spite of familiar mechanics and the redundant nature of daily quests. Mechanically, I was limited to pretty standard derivative MMORPG kill and collect gameplay. Available daily quests depend upon the controlling faction at the time and are thematically consistent with their associated public event. Each invading faction provides unique public event for which large groups of level-cap players can participate.

wildstar 2 vr

I was responsible for designing and implementing 5 repeatable daily quests for Star-Comm Basin, a level-cap public event zone that rotates between 3 invading enemy factions fighting for control of Star-Comm Basin Marauders, Ikthian, and Strain.

Wildstar 2 vr